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01 Apr 2024

Contact Center agents and stress

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Contact Center agents often deal with stressful situations due to the nature of their work. To mitigate stress and promote well-being, it is essential that companies adopt a proactive approach.

Firstly, it is important to offer stress management training, equipping officers with tools and techniques to effectively deal with tense situations. This may include mindfulness training, breathing techniques and relaxation strategies.

Furthermore, it is essential to ensure that working hours are balanced and manageable, avoiding long shifts and providing regular breaks. A supportive culture is also crucial, where agents feel comfortable sharing their concerns and seeking help when needed.

Constructive feedback plays an important role, letting agents know where they are succeeding and where they can improve, without creating more stress. Offering incentives and recognition for good performance can motivate agents and reduce work-related stress.

Flexible policies are essential to allow agents to deal with stressful personal situations without worrying about repercussions on the job. Furthermore, creating a comfortable working environment, with ergonomic furniture and adequate rest spaces, can significantly contribute to the well-being of agents.

Finally, conducting regular stress assessments among agents is crucial to identify areas of concern and implement corrective measures when necessary. By adopting these strategies, companies can create a healthier work environment and reduce stress among contact center agents.


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1050-041 Lisboa